778-319-9211 stephanie.lafazanos1

InTune Holistics

Energy Alignment FAQ

What is an Energy Alignment Session?

An Energy Alignment Session is the holistic session I currently offer to everyone. It is a combination of a medical intuitive assessment at the beginning as well as a chat to discern what we are working on healing, followed by sharing the valuable information and a treatment next step discovered in the medical intuitive assessment. The aim is to get you moving in your specific pathway and direction of healing on the levels of mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health. A variety of modalities are used in the treatments which can be found on all the pages of my website as seen above. Some of these include energy work, psycho-somatic therapies, somatic counselling, kinesiology, qigong, tao yoga, tantra, manual bodywork and massage.

How does energy healing benefit me?

Energy work can help us to heal on all levels, spiritual, mental emotional and physical. Assistance to move energy blockages along with the awareness around root causes can help us make more conscious healthy choices in everyday life. Gaining more skill in your own intuition also gives you access to more self-awareness. Awareness is like a light in the darkness. It helps us to see what we couldn’t see before. Soul retrieval in Shamanic healing returns a soul part that was lost or dissociated during trauma in earlier years or lifetimes. Energy goes where it needed when it is returned to the body. The client is given space to assimilate this energy before you go. The assimilation process may continue for 3-5 days after a healing session during which time you are still integrating.

Do I have to believe in energy for it to work?

Not necessarily. Energy healing can happen regardless of what you believe. We all have to capacity to be able to offer energy healing to one another.  Like any other skill it is something that gets better with practice and experience.  Our loving intent is so powerful that we can help another or ourselves heal simply by focusing on this energy. Love is the most powerful force in the world. It is the glue that holds everything in the universe together. Our thoughts are also very powerful though so an open mind is best.

How do I know what type of energy healing is best for me?

There are many types of healing available. Often people will tell me that they were praying for an answer to their problem and then they heard of me or saw my website or received a newsletter. When we have a deep desire in our heart, the universe will conspire to make it come true and bring what we need to us. I find that it’s more about who the person is rather than the modality of healing. If you feel drawn to a particular person for healing, there is a large chance that your intuition is guiding you to them. When you learn to listen to your intuition or guidance you can feel the draw to someone that you can work well with.

What do I do during a long distance session?

During a distance healing session you may call or Zoom conference with me at a set time.

How much information is needed from me for a successful healing?

All I need is your permission and what you would like to focus on. If we are not working on something specific then I’ll just tune into what you need at the moment to create the biggest impact in your health.

How long does it take and how many sessions?

Each Energy Alignment Session is 90 minutes. I will do a brief medical intuitive assessment at the beginning of each session and will see what is needed and in how many sessions. It is generally from one to three sessions depending on the your desired outcome.

How much does it cost?

Energy Alignment Sessions are $145. I accept cash, credit cards and e-transfers.

How can I become more intuitive or sensitive to energy?

You can begin by trusting and acknowledging the messages your body gives you on a daily basis. For example going to the bathroom when you need to, resting when you feel tired, exercise when you feel sluggish. Be curious about what your body and being is trying to communicate with you through sensations and feelings. Open a dialogue with the body by asking it questions and listening for answers. You can ask you body to show you what a no feels like and what a yes feels like. Joining a qigong class or a workshop is a great way to learn how to feel subtle energy.